01 January 2009

wonderful things

of 2008:

- stopped biting my nails (forever!)
- began the weekly photographic collaboration of my dreams
- discovered a hilltop (and visited it freely and with ambition)
- daytripped and roadtripped to my heart's content
- laughed and laughed!
- established such nice things with some really remarkable people
- was deeply moved (and stopped hesitating)
- wrote so many letters and developed friendships with my post-people
- wrote in sketchbooks instead of lined pages
- grew and learned and learned to trust and be content

oh, also...

i took the most beautiful daytrip with a dear friend a couple of days ago:

i hope you have the most wonderful year my friend!



Mandy said...

So lovely. :)

Matt said...

Personally, I preferred the graph paper over anything else.
But sketchbook works too, I guess. And my iPhone!

:D Happy New Year to you, too!!

Unknown said...

i am so glad you enjoyed dalton.
you are welcome anytime.