(i treated myself to a pack of polaroid film, today)
today: i became twenty, warm sun on my drowsy face, a beautiful lunch with the most precious ladies in my life, goodgood light, swingsets and laughter, heartwords and feeling loved beyond measure, feeling so glad to be alive.
i am in the midst of compiling a list of 20 things i want to do during my 20th year.
i've only 13 thus far:
1. pick blackberries in may, peaches in june, pears in august and apples in september
2. learn to throw pots
3. drive to the ocean in winter, again (i absolutely must do this annually)
4. learn 'avril 14th' on the piano
5. distribute disposable cameras to all my favorite littles (begging them to show me their world)
6. produce a short film
7. write a piece/photograph jimmy & mary moore
8. open an etsy shop (of light fixtures and mobiles and book sculptures and things)
9. plant things in honor of people who've moved my heart
10. sail; regardless of where or for how long
11. travel somewhere by train
12. complete a book of strangers
13. plant ranunculus bulbs in autumn.
p.s. thank you, for making this day as wonderful as can be. it was brimmingly full of big and small and quiet and overwhelming surprises that made my heart flutter, continuously.
i will not try and convince you of the reasons you should come and see me and how i will help you with that list if you do - i will merely say that i know you shall accomplish them in splendid ways and that my heart travels with you, encouraging you.
i hope you will be blessed beyond measure!
missing you like crazy,
Please! Let me know how your Etsy store does. I want to see it when you get it up and running. I am stealing that one for my list as well!
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